Sunday, January 27, 2008

Huggy Bear, Chin Nuts?

I gotta say, a few minutes after posting my vitriolic quasi-suicide note of a recap post for today, I stumbled upon this at the Big Lead. Apparently some jokesters managed to find their way into the Big East coaches' media conference call this week, and the results are just incredible. The first comedian asks Bob Huggins--Bob Huggins!--if he's ever placed his balls on a player's chin, and it just gets better from there.

Seriously, it's phenomenal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is actually Marquette coach Tom Crean who they ask about the balls on the chin. He is the only coach who has a sense of humor about the situation. Bob Huggins and Jim Calhoun are the scum of the earth and I'm glad they were pranked. Crean just went up my list of favorite coaches.